Lecture Topics: 1. The structure of a spinal (peripheral) nerve as a basis for developing a nerve network and ANS (Autonomic Nervous System). 2. The structure of spinal cord, grey and white matter, the Rexed laminae, motoric and sensitive ways. 3. Brainstem, nn. craniales. 4. Diencephalon, overview of hormones, telencephalon, cerebral cortex, its areas and connections. 5. ANS, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, relation of inner organs with spine vertebrae, limbic system. 6. General structure of digestive track, structure overview of organs of digestive system. 7. Heart and circulatory system. 8. Anatomy of breathing system. 9. Structure and function of genitourinary system. 10. Projection of inner organs on the body surface. 11. Connections between inner organs and organs of the movement apparatus as a basis for contact viscerovertebral relations. Seminar Topics: 1. Back muscles, structure, function, palpation. 2. Chest and abdomen muscles, structure, function, palpation. 3. Head and neck muscles structure, function, palpation. 4. The structure of spinal cord, the structure of spinal (peripheral) nerve, pl. cervicalis and brachialis, nerve channels, innervation areas. 5. Pl. lumbosacralis, nerve channels, innervation areas. 6. Brainstem, head nerves, nerve channels, innervation areas. 7. The general structure of digestive tract, the structure overview of organs of digestive system, projection of organs on the body surface 8. Heart and circulatory system,the channels of vessels considering movement apparatus. 9. The anatomy of breathing system, breathing mechanics considering movement apparatus. 10. The structure and function of genitourinary system, topographical relations to movement apparatus. 11. The projection of inner organs on the body surface, palpation verification of the position of inner organs in the body cavities and their projection on the body surface.
ČIHÁK, R. Anatomie 1. 3. doplněné a upravené vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011. 552 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3817-8. Praha: Grada, 2001. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.
ČIHÁK, R. Anatomie 2. 2.vyd. Praha, Grada, 2002. 470 s. ISBN 80-247-0143-.
ČIHÁK, R. Anatomie 3. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada, 1997. 655 s. ISBN 80-7169-140-2.
DYLEVSKÝ, I., DRUGA, R., MRÁZKOVÁ, O. Funkční anatomie člověka. 1.vyd. Praha, Grada, 2000. 664 s. IBSN 80-7169-681-1.
DYLEVSKÝ, I. Základy kineziologie. 1.vyd. Praha, Palestra, 2003, 200 s..
ELIŠKOVÁ, M., NAŇKA, O. 2006. Přehled anatomie. Praha: Karolinum, 416 s. ISBN: 9788072626120.
FENEIS, HEINZ. Anatomický obrazový slovník. Praha: Grada, Avicenum, 464 s. ISBN 80-7169-197-6. ISBN 80-7169-197-6.
FIALA, P., VALENTA, J., EBERLOVÁ, L. Anatomie pro bakalářské studium ošetřovatelství. Praha: Karolinum, s. 136. ISBN 80-246-0804-9. Praha: Karolinum, 2004. ISBN 80-246-0804-9.
PETROVICKÝ, P. Systematická, topografická a klinická anatomie. 1.vyd. Praha, Karolinum, 1995. 248 s. ISBN 80-7184-108-8.
PUTZ, R., PABST, R. Sobottův atlas anatomie člověka. 22. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 928 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1870-5.. 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1870-5.
ROHEN, YOKOCHI, LÜTJENOVÁ, DRECOLLOVÁ. Anatomie člověka. 1.vyd. Martin, Osveta, 1998. 485 s..
SINĚLNIKOV, R.D. Atlas anatomie člověka 1. 3.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1980. 467 s..
SINĚLNIKOV, R.D. Atlas anatomie člověka 2. 3.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1981. 472 s..
SINĚLNIKOV. R.D. Atlas anatomie člověka 3. 3.vyd. Praha, Avicenum, 1982. 399 s..