Course: Spatial creation I

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Course title Spatial creation I
Course code KVP/FU007
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Semecká Lada, doc. MgA.
  • Lörincz Miroslav, MgA. DiS.
  • Slejšková Váradiová Markéta, MgA. ArtD.
Course content
1. Introduction, acquaintance with the conditions and equipment of the workshop. 2.-11. Spatial etudes, analysis of a free project. 12.-13. Presentation, analysis and classification of the student's activity and their work.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course makes students familiarized with the issues and basic tools of spatial creation. By means of short exercises with material and study according to models, they get to know properties of matter, space, meaning of proportions, tectonics, heaviness, and lightness, colour scheme and structure as tools of artistic visual expression. During the course, students study a head according to a live model (learning about relationship of matters, proportions and directions, character of different models' compositionality), realization or creation of a spatial formation model of the student's choice - a utility object, sculpture, jewel, installation, etc., including a cover report analyzing the assignment, drawings (photos) to document individual stages of the object development, reasoning of the graphic tools used in relation with the intention, and photodocumentation of the work when completed. Students are thus continuously assigned individual tasks, focused on their artistic creativity and individual approach. Various types of collaborative group projects are not excluded either. Teaching cannot be divided into weekly schedules - the pedagogical approach is strongly individualized, reflecting preferences and skills of the given group.
The gained capabilities constitute an encompassment and an aquirement of knowledge and experience in the given field of study, they result from a concrete annotation of the subject and are aimed at a profile´s fulfilment of the graduate of the given field of study.
Successful completion of the previous study

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Gombrich, E. H. Příběh umění. Praha, 2006.
  • Gombrich, E. H. Umění a iluze. Argo, 2019.
  • Chalupecký, J. Obhajoba umění. Československý spisovatel. Praha. 1991.
  • JANOŠČÍK, Václav (ed.). Objekt. Kvalitář, s. r. o. Praha, 2015.
  • Medková, J. Řeč věcí. Horizont, Praha, 1990.
  • Moore, H. Plastiky a myšlenky kolem nich. Odeon, Praha, 1995.
  • SKOPALOVÁ, Eva; JANOŠČÍK, Václav. Návrat do budoucnosti. UMPRUM Praha, 2019.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester