Course: Studio I

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Course title Studio I
Course code KUU/FU005
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Krtička Jan, MgA. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Vlasák Robert, doc. MgA.
Course content
These information are in the annotation of the course

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The basic starting point of studying in the studio is the knowledge and use of natural laws and the discovery and creation of experience with a wide range of diverse materials used for artistic expression. Part of the course is the acquisition of the necessary technological and craft principles and their shift to the artistic field, combining the acquired experience with classical disciplines dealing with shape, color and space, along with time, sound, light in a conceptual framework. Along with the acquired craft skills, students discover their own approaches to solving tasks and possibilities of realizations intervening in the field of free and applied art and design. Searching for and mastering craft practices requires the active and creative participation of the student, who is thus acquainted with the design issues and real possibilities creation. This is the basis for the material, technological and content diversity of the studio, but also the breadth of outputs. Studio teaching is focused on the education of artistic personalities able to independently solve problems with a degree of emotion and understanding for material and space as well as for various and often new technologies. The aim of the study is to train a versatile artist, who will be skilled in craftsmanship and will be able to move in the field between fine and applied art. An integral part of the study is also cooperation with the regional museum in nature, revival of forgotten crafts and their current artistic use, learning about working procedures in the relevant operations, workshops and facilities. For this subject, it is not possible to precisely determine the topics (syllabus) of teaching after individual weeks (blocks) of teaching, because it is a type of teaching specific to art schools. This course is a studio teaching, which is very flexible and tries to address the individual needs of students, both in the field of theory and in the field of practical implementation of the resulting product-artifact. This means that unique current topics (theoretical, technological) are addressed throughout the semester, depending on how the gradual implementation of individual projects develops, depending on specific assignments. Therefore, the solved topics cannot be strictly determined in advance, as they crystallize gradually during the semester.
The acquired competencies represent the mastery and acquisition of knowledge in the given field, based on a specific annotation of the subject and are aimed at fulfilling the profile of a graduate of the given field.
Successful completion of the previous study

Assessment methods and criteria
1. Fulfilling partial tasks and assignments throughout the semester 2. Active participation in the Studio tutoring
Recommended literature
  • Berger, John. Způsoby vidění. Praha: Labyrint, 2016.
  • Broeckmann, A. Machine art in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mit Press, 2016.
  • Brouček, S.; Jeřábek, R. (ed.). Lidová kultura: národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska. Etnologický ústav AV ČR a Ústav evropské etnologie FF MU v Brně, 2007.
  • CÍSAŘ, K. Stav věcí: sochy v ulicích III. Brno, 2011.
  • Collins, J. Sculpture today. London: Phaidon, 2007.
  • Dixon, S. Cybernetic Existencialism. Routledge, 2019.
  • Duby, G.; Daval, Jean-Luc. Sculpture: from antiquity to the present day. Koln: Taschen, 2013.
  • FOSTER, Hal. Umění po roce 1900: modernismus, antimodernismus, postmodernismus. Praha: Slovart, 2010. ISBN 80-7209-952-3.
  • Chalupecký, Jindřich. Nové umění v Čechách. H + H, 1994.
  • Kastener, J.; Wallis B. Land and Enviromental Art. London:Phaidon, 1998.
  • Marzona, Daniel. Conceptual Art. Taschen, 2004.
  • Myers, W. Bio Art: Altred Realities. Thames and Hudson, 2015.
  • O´doherty, B. Uvnitř bílé krychle: ideologie galerijního prostoru. Praha:, 2014.
  • Popper, F. Art of the Electronic Age. Thames and Hudson, Londýn, 1993.
  • Popper, F. Origins and Development of Kinetic Art. Studio Vista, Londýn, 1968.
  • Srp, K. Minimal, Earth, Conceptual Art. Praha, Jazzpetit, 1982.
  • Sturken, M., Cartwright, L. Studia vizuální kultury. Portál, Praha, 2009.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester