1. The surface and its properties ? surface structure, physical properties of the surface, geometric and mechanical properties of the surface, chemical properties of the surface, adhesion, cohesion, diffusion layers, etc. 2. Characteristics of the surface of technical materials ? properties of metals at the phase interface, ideal crystal surface, microgeometry of the surface and the effect of preparation on the surface, the relationship between the surface and the coating, etc. 3. Violation of surfaces - corrosion, surface wear, corrosion and the need to protect the surface against a corrosive environment. 3 Different objectives of surface protection ? against corrosion, wear, abrasion resistance and heat resistance of coatings, surface resistance against acids and alkalis, etc. 4. Importance of physical properties of surfaces and methods of their evaluation. 5. Methods of surface protection ? environmental treatment, choice of suitable material and surface treatments, design solutions and production technology, electrochemical and temporary protection. 6. Preliminary surface treatment ? mechanical surface treatment, chemical surface treatment. 7. Electrochemical surface protection (anodic and cathodic) 8. Inorganic coatings - by chemical electroless plating, electrolytic (galvanic) plating, plating in molten metals, diffusion plating, thermal spraying, plating (explosion, rolling), etc. 9. Surface treatment of Al material by anodizing and defects on the anodized surface, other coating technologies of Al alloys (powder coatings, PTFE coatings, etc.). 10. Micro and nano layers ? description, identification, properties, basic preparation technology, diagnostics of thin layers. 11. Creating layers by chemical means ? chemically created microlayers and multiple layers, nano and micro composite coatings, coatings based on a liquid matrix with the addition of nano and microparticles, geopolymer layers, etc. 12. Physical methods of applying coatings in a vacuum ? PVD layers, plasma impax hybrid coating, vacuum evaporation and sputtering, magnetron sputtering, ion plating, LARC technology. 13. Chemical methods of applying coatings in vacuum - CVD. 14. Ion implantation of the surface of metal materials, laser deposition of the surfaces of metal materials, coating by laser ablation, composite layers.
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