1. Company as a institutionalization business. Main legal forms of business. Company functions. 2. Property and capital company structure and methods of its evaluation. 3. Costs, revenues. Net income. Profit and its categories. Expenditures and incomes. 4. Cash flow, relation with net income. 5. Company analysis and its structure. Strategy, plan. Company targets and measurements for their achievement. 6. Company life. Establishment, rescue, cancellation, termination of company. Business plan and its main parts. Innovation and modernization. 7. Company and system of public budgets. Tax, duty, levy. 8. Organization, organizational structure of company and its optimization. 9. Company management using application of IT methods. Control activity. 10. Company capacity. Time capacities. Utilization of production capacity. Calculations of capacity. Solution of capacity surplus and deficit. 11. Supply chain and its management using IT methods. Stock types. Stock records management and stock turnover. 12. Investment activity of the company and its optimization. Investment cost structure. Procedure of investment realization. 13. IT methods of investment evaluation.
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