Kuśmierczak Sylvia, doc. Ing. PhD.
Course content
1. High-Strength Steel - TRIP, MARAGING, thermo-mechanical treatment of steel. 2. Super deep drawing steel, re phosphor steel, BH steel. Steels for special applications. 3. New types of cast iron. Vermicular iron. Bainite (ADI cast iron), martensitic iron. 4. Non-ferrous alloys, titanium alloys, nickel, magnesium and aluminium. Alloys for the manufacture of automotive components and aircraft. 5 Ceramic materials, ceramics, oxide and non oxide ceramics. 6 Carbon materials. Use of space technology. 7 Shape memory materials, biomaterials. The use of these materials in biomechanics and engineering. 8 Technical limit states. Breakdown limits states. The limit states of materials in constructers. Permanent deformation - the influence of temperature, structure, speed of loading. 9 Degradation of materials. Surface damage, abrasion, erosion, corrosion, cavitation, adhesion. 10 Fracture: theoretical strength of materials, energy fracture propagation, fracture toughness, types of mines - macroscopic, microscopic evaluation. Fatigue failure. Creep. 11 Selection and design of materials for selected structures. Basic considerations in the choice of materials.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
There is placed emphasis on choice of materials with regard to the utilization and loading in the construction. These materials are exposed to limiting states and subsequent degradations. Technical engineer must orientate oneself in current materials mainly in light of function of single elements - not only loading, but reliability and lifetime too.
Orientation in the field of structural materials used Knowledge of new materials The ability to create alternatives to the use of the material for the construction Knowledge of structural materials
Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
Arthur J. McEvily. Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention. Wiley, 2001. ISBN 978-0-471-41436-0.
JANOVEC, J. a kol. Perspektivní materiály. ČVUT, Praha, 2008.
JANOVEC, J., MACEK, K., ZUNA, P. Fyzikální metalurgie. ČVUT, Praha, 2008.
KUNZ, J., LANGER, J. a kol. Základy lomové mechaniky. ČVUT, Praha, 2006.
Ptáček, L. a kol. Nauka o materiálu I. CERM Brno, 2003. ISBN 80-7204-283-1.
Ptáček, L. a kol. Nauka o materiálu II.. CERM Brno, 2001.
Vojtěch, D. Materiály a jejich mezní stavy. VŠCHT, Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7080-741-5.