1st week: Chemical reactions. Basic types, quantification of chemical reactions. 2nd - 4th weeks: State behavior, fundamentals of thermodynamics - 0, 1, 2 and 3 thermodynamic theorem, combined formulation, internal energy, heat, work, reversible and irreversible processes, iso-processes, entropy, Gibbs and Helmholtz energy, thermochemistry, heat capacities, reaction heat, Kirchhoff equation, influence of surface size. 5th - 7th weeks: Phase equilibria - phase equilibria in one-component systems, phase equilibrium for curved interfaces, influence of nano-dimensions, Gibbs phase law, Clapeyron equation, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, equilibrium sl, lg, sg, ss, ll, phase equilibria in multicomponent systems, mixing and additional quantities, partial molar quantities, phase diagrams of multicomponent systems. 8th week: Changes in physical and physico-chemical properties of materials with dimensions - transition from macro to nano, changes in the influence of surface size, ratio of atoms to the surface of decreasing size, changes in the size of lattice parameters, binding energies, changes in physical and physico-chemical properties (density, melting point, etc.). 9th - 10th weeks: Electrochemistry - introduction, conductors, electrodes, their division, electrode processes, electrolytes, their division, electrode potential, Beket series of metal voltages, electrochemical cell, cell voltage, electrolysis, Faraday's laws, galvanic cells. 11th week: Electrospinning, fundamentals, principles, Taylor cone. 12th week: Fundamentals of solid state physics, symmetry of crystal structures and symmetry of physical properties. 13th week: Fundamentals of chemical equilibria. 14th week: Polymers, their basic properties
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MOORE, W. J. Fyzikální chemie. SNTL Praha, 1981.
NOVÁK, J. a kol. Fyzikální chemie - bakalářský a magisterský kurz. VŠCHT Praha, 2008.
SÖHNEL, O. Fyzikální chemie I. PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem, 2002.
Söhnel, O. Obecná chemie. Ped. fakulta UJEP, Ústí n. L, 1998.