1. Risk society as a sociological problem (risk society, new social risks, welfare state - workfare state, multiplicity without unity, new opacity, glocalization). 2. New social risks (Jan Keller and new social risks, old and new social risks, social risks - history and present, reforms and consequences of reforms, reforms and the labor market). 3. Social groups in today's society (social groups or social networks? Primary groups, family and its transformation, member and reference groups, crowds as a special kind of social groups, social networks). 4. Political actors - interest groups and political parties and their role in society (representation in political communication, interest groups, definition of a political party, typology of political parties, right and left, party systems). 5. Sociology of European integration (project of European citizenship, Europeanization, Euroscepticism, macro- and micro-sociological views). 6. Society and culture (definition of culture, composition of culture, "anatomy" of culture, cultural relativism, intercultural communication). 7. Society and media (mass communication, media democracy, two-stage model of communication, television hyperrealist, commercialization of media, public service media, media responsibility). 8. Democracy and totalitarianism (definition of democracy, principle of majority, democracy and preservation of minority rights, participatory democracy, crisis of democracy, totalitarianism). 9. Participation and civil society (theoretical background, source areas, inspiration for civic participation, definitions, typologies, actors, advantages and disadvantages, methods and techniques, practical examples). 10. Political culture (definition of political culture, types of political culture, post-socialist political culture, political culture in the Czech Republic, research of political culture in the Czech Republic). 11. Modernity in sociology (Contemporary theories of modernity - Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman, George Ritzer, Jürgen Habermas, global culture, the concept of glocalization). 12. Sociology of globalization 1 ("birth" of globalization, development of globalization to the present, consequences of globalization, global socio-economic problems: unemployment, scientific progress, overpopulation, population density, diseases of civilization, xenophobia, racism, organized crime). 13. Sociology of globalization 2 (formation of the global system, glocalization, international institutions and their influence, Wallerstein - world system theory, multinational companies, tax havens, postmodern state). 14. Perspectives of contemporary political sociology (new trends - postcolonialism, multiculturalism, globalization, new critical theory. Project "public sociology").
BECK, U. Co je to globalizace? Omyly a odpovědi. Brno, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7325-123-9.
GIDDENS, A. Důsledky modernity. Praha, 1998. ISBN 80-85850-62-1.
KELLER, J. Nová sociální rizika a proč se jim nevyhneme. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7419-059-9.
MAŠKARINEC, P., NOVOTNÝ, L. Strany a vládnutí v digitální éře. Praha, 2020. ISBN 978-80-200-30.
MÜLLER, K. Politická sociologie. Politika a identita v podmínkách modernity. Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7380-394-0.