Řebíková Barbora, Mgr. Ph.D.
Kolář Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The concept of art, characterization and definition of art 2. Relation between art and non-artistic events, art 3. Genesis artistic creation, the author's personality, talent 4. Existential forms of artistic creation, artifact 5. Taxonomy art 6. Structure of artistic creation 7. Semantic structure of artistic creation, transformation of form and content categories, semiotics of art 8. Functions of art 9. Presentation of art 10. Axiology art 11. Development of art 12. Development of art
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the aesthetics course is to get acquainted with division of the aesthetic issues into the fields of general aesthetics, general art theory, and the theory of extra-artistic aesthetics, with basic categories of aesthetic thinking, and especially with aesthetic exploration of arts. In this sphere, it informs about the origin, existence, and reception of an artwork, and about a general view of developmental processes in arts.
The gained capabilities constitute an encompassment and an aquirement of knowledge and experience in the given field of study, they result from a concrete annotation of the subject and are aimed at a profile´s fulfilment of the graduate of the given field of study.
Assessment methods and criteria
seminar work 5-6 pages
Recommended literature
JŮZL, Milan, PROKOP, Dušan. Úvod do estetiky: předmět a metody, dějiny, systém estetických kategorií a pojmů.. Praha, 1989. ISBN 80-7038-051-9.
PROKOP, Dušan. Obecná uměnověda. Stručný přehled a úvod. Praha, 1994. ISBN 80-85829-04-5.
STIBRAL, Karel. Proč je příroda krásná?. Praha, 2005. ISBN 80-7363-008-7.
ZAHRÁDKA, Pavel. (vyd.). Estetika na přelomu milénia. Brno; Barrister & Principal, 2010. ISBN 978-80-87474-11-2.
Zuska, Vlastimil. Estetika, úvod do současnosti tradiční disciplíny. Praha, Triton, 2001.
ZUSKA, Vlastimil. (vyd.). Mimésis ? fikce ? distance. K estetice XX. století. Praha, 2002.