Course: Work of Art as a Historical Source

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Course title Work of Art as a Historical Source
Course code KHI/PV300
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Sekyrka Tomáš, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
- Art collecting from baroque to the mid-20th century - War and its consequences in the view of art in 19th and 20th century - Walhalla near Regensburg and German natioan art of first half of 19th century - Changes in Czech historical painting of 19th century - Decoration of Prague National Theatre and National Museum as an art programme of Czech national movement. - Monuments as a picture of development of society in 19th and 20th century. - Graves and cemeteries as a manifestation of individual and collective representation - "art of report" - graphic arts as an informational medium and means of social criticism from 18th to 20th century - Everyday life of society in pictures of 19th and 20th cenury - Technology and consequences of technological innovation for the life of society in fine arts of 19th and 20th century; art language of posters and advertising - Official art of totalitarian dictatorships

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with using (and also abusing) fine arts and visual culture generally in a political life of society or more precisely to the propagation of various interests of particular social classes, national groups or political parties and totalitarian regimes in modern times. Simultaneously are pursued issues of art collecting and benefactoring as individual, collective or state supporting of arts.
On the basis of detailed analysis of inidividual art monuments, their origins, reflections, critical appraising, appreciation or rejection, students explore the relations of society, more precisely individual social classes or groups, to the concrete art works. Primary aim is obtaing the ability to work with different types of pictural, written, and material sources from different periods.
knowledge of the one world living language at least (preferably En, G, Fr), basic knowledge of paleography, diplomatics and other auxiliary historical sciences, and ability to work with written historical sources.

Assessment methods and criteria
Good attendance and continual task fulfillment.
Recommended literature
  • Burke, P. Italská renesance. Kultura a společnost v Itálii. Praha, 1996.
  • Filip A. - Musil, R. (ed.). Epocha salonů. České salonní umění a mezináordní výtvarná scéna 1879-1914. Brno, 2021.
  • Hojda, Zdeněk - Pokorný, Jiř. Pomníky a zapomníky. Praha, 1997. ISBN 80-7185-093-4.
  • Hojda, Zdeněk. Geneze uměleckých výstav v Praze 1791-1851. Documenta Pragensia 12, 1995, s. 317-324. Praha, 1995.
  • Hubková, Jana. Fridrich Falcký v zrcadle letákové publicistiky jako pramen k vývoji a vnímání české otázky v letech 1619-1632. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7308-300-7.
  • Jindra, P. - Vondráček, R. (edd.). Tvůrce jako předmět dějin umění. Pozice autora po jeho "smrti". Praha, 2020.
  • Macurová, Zuzana - Stolárová, Lenka - Vlnas Vít. Tváří v tvář. Barokní portrét v zemích Koruny české. Brno, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7028-495-7.
  • Petišková, T. Československý socialistický realismus 1948 - 1958. Praha: Gallery, 2002.
  • Prahl, Roman - Sekera, Martin - Vondráček, Radim. Karikatura a její příbuzní. Obrazový humor v českém prostředí 19. století. Řevnice - Plzeň, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7467-068-8.
  • Sekyrka, T. Aby živnosti své k užitku tím lépe hleděti mohli. Společenské postavení a majetkové poměry pražských malířů v epoše baroka. Praha, 2021.
  • Slavíček, Lubomír. "Sobě, umění, přátelům". Kapitoly z dějin sběratelství v Čechách a na Moravě 1650-1939. Brno, 2007. ISBN 978-80-87029-22-0.
  • Vlnas, V. a kol. Obrazárna v Čechách 1796-1918. Praha, 1995.
  • Zelenková, Petra. Barokní grafika 17. století v zemích Koruny české. Praha, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7035-435-3.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester