Course: Restoration of Movable Heritage

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Course title Restoration of Movable Heritage
Course code KHI/PMD13
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Honys Vít, PhDr.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes

The graduate is able to work independently with literature serving as supporting material to expand knowledge of the work intended for conservation - restoration (official documents, restoration reports, documentation photographs, restoration laboratory surveys). It can use this information, for example, to specify lost iconographic details of a particular work of art, technologies used in the past, to define inviolable values of the work, accessories, etc. He possesses knowledge of basic sources and the scientific literature for interventions and transformations on the work of art intended for restoration and basic knowledge of period technologies and contemporary methods of restoration survey. The graduate will use the acquired skills and knowledge especially in the sphere of practical care of cultural monuments and collection funds (documentation and adherence to optimal climate and visitor regime in relation to collections).The graduate is able to work independently with literature serving as supporting material to expand knowledge of the work intended for preservation - restoration (official documents, restoration reports, documentation photographs, restoration services).
Basic orientation in the history of art is necessary, basic passive knowledge of German and Latin is desirable, as well as basic awareness of contemporary monument legislation

Assessment methods and criteria
The premise is a 50% participation rate in full-time teaching, It is also envisaged to engage in a discussion on a specific conceptual problem from the topic presented. The grant of a credit is conditional on a debate on the subject of damage characteristics and the concept of restoration or preservation intervention on a self-selected artefact (it can also be submitted in writing).
Recommended literature
  • Barbora A. HŘEBÍČKOVÁ. Recepty starých mistrů aneb malířské postupy středověku. Brno, 2006.
  • Bohuslav SLÁNSKÝ. Technika malby I, Technika malby II. Praha, 1955.
  • Césare BRANDI. Teorie restaurování. Kutná Hora, 2000.
  • Ivana KOPECKÁ a kol. Preventivní péče o historické objekty a sbírky v nich uložené. Praha, 2002.
  • Ivana KOPECKÁ-Vratislav NEJEDLÝ. Průzkum historických materiálů. Praha, 2005.
  • Jiří BELIS-Petr KOUKAL-Radek LUNGA-Radek REJŠEK. Péče o varhany a zvony, jejich památková ochrana. Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-86234-88-6.
  • Kolektiv. Základy muzejní konzervace. Brno, 1989.
  • Ludvík LOSOS. Pozlacování a polychromie. Praha, 2005.
  • Roman KUBIČKA-Jiří ZELINGER. Výkladový slovník malířství, grafika, restaurátorství. Praha, 2004.
  • Salvador Muňoz VIŇAS. Současná teorie konzervování. Pardubice, 2015.
  • Zdeněk HOLÝ. Transparentní povrchové úpravy na mobiliáři ze dřeva. Praha. 2022, ISSN 1210-5538.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester