The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the typology of settlements and buildings of traditional rural society and with the basic tendencies of their development in the Czech Republic. In this course, students will learn to trace the reflection of social relations in the formal construction structure of rural settlements and buildings. Emphasis is placed on the individual functional types of buildigns, the transformation of their interior furnishings, and the traditional structures used. The social significance and symbolic meaning of the buildigns and their parts are also addressed in addition to the practical function. Students will also learn about the history and methodology of research into rural buildings and how they are protected in the Czech Republic.
In this course, students learn to trace the reflection of social relations in the formal construction structure of rural settlements and buildings. The student gains a basic overview of the typology of rural settlements and buildings in the Czech Republic, and of the topography of these buildings observed on the basis of their formal features. Students also learn about the history and methodology of research into rural buildings and how they are protected in the Czech Repbulic.
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