Hes Milan, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
The content focus of clinical pedagogical practice is on pedagogical work with pupils at the 2nd level of primary and secondary schools. Practice is carried out in the form of listening to a trainee teacher (mentor), reflecting on daily activities, acquiring practical skills in the field of pedagogy and didactics. The student will host and perform listening activities in the subject corresponding to the study program. The student chooses the school facilities independently in agreement with the subject didactics.
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The goal of the internship is the gradual acquisition of practical skills under the guidance of an internship mentor, familiarization with the tasks, goals and main activities of the teacher and the school. Acquaintance with the School Educational Program, with school curriculum documents in greater depth than was the case with observation practice.
Practice is carried out in the form of listening to a trainee teacher (mentor), reflecting on daily activities, acquiring practical skills in the field of pedagogy and didactics. The student will improve in observing the educational environment, in conducting a conversation with the accompanying teacher and in preparing a pedagogical portfolio. The student independently analyzes the research problem of clinical practice and introduces the results of the processed problem to the participants of the seminar.
Follow-up to observational pedagogical practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
The student will carry out an internship lasting 13 hours with a predominance of hospital and listening activities and the gradual integration of assistant activities according to the instructions of the internship mentor. The clock is disassembled.
Recommended literature
LABISCHOVÁ, Denisa. GRACOVÁ, Blažena. Příručka ke studiu didaktiky dějepisu. Ostrava. 2008.
PASCH, Marvin. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha. 2005.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Moderní pedagogika. Praha. 2017.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Pedagogický slovník. Praha. 2013.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Psychologie učení: teoretické a výzkumné poznatky pro edukační praxi. Praha. 2020.
SLEZÁKOVÁ, Jana. Průvodce pedagogickou praxí. Olomouc. 2020.
STROUHAL, Martin. Učit se být učitelem: k vybraným problémům učitelského vzdělávání.. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-246-3465-4.
ŠVEC, Vlastimil. Determinanty účinnosti učitelských praxí.. Brno, 2020. ISBN 978-80-210-8132-1.
VALIŠOVÁ, Alena. KOVAŘÍKOVÁ, Miroslava. Obecná didaktika: a její širší pedagogické souvislosti v úkolech a cvičeních.. Praha, 2021. ISBN 978-80-271-3249-2.