Hes Milan, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
The content orientation of the preparatory seminar for pedagogical practice is based on the need to prepare the student for clinical and assistant practice and to equip him with sufficient theoretical foundations for the successful implementation of pedagogical practices. 1. Organization of the curriculum of the educational fields Man and society 2. Portfolio in teacher preparation for teaching 3. Preparation of a portfolio for pedagogical practice 4. Effective teaching methods and forms of work in history lessons 5. Analysis of existing textbooks and teaching materials for history 6. Specifics of teaching history in primary and secondary schools
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is, in the general part, familiarization with the school system, the basics of school legislation, curriculum documents, organization and work safety in school facilities. In the branch part, familiarization with the didactic transformation of the curriculum for specific levels of schools. The course takes place at the same time as clinical and assistant practice and reflects its progress.
Students orientate themselves in the school system, the basics of school legislation, curriculum documents, organization and work safety in school facilities. In the subject part, they are able to analyze and interpret the organization of the curriculum within RVP and ŠVP. They understand the content of individual competencies in teaching. They apply teaching competencies to learning figures. They orient themselves in the selection of history textbooks and other teaching materials. They use the knowledge from the seminar to create their own portfolio of pedagogical practice.
Concurrent clinical and assistant practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students actively participate in the seminar, during the semester they will prepare a portfolio (part) for pedagogical practice.
Recommended literature
FISHER, Robert. Učíme děti myslet a učit se: praktický průvodce strategiemi vyučování. Praha. 2011.
LABISCHOVÁ, Denisa. GRACOVÁ, Blažena. Příručka ke studiu didaktiky dějepisu. Ostrava. 2008.
Martin Strouhal. Učit se být učitelem: k vybraným problémům učitelského vzdělávání. Praha. 2016.
PASCH, Marvin. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha. 2005.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Moderní pedagogika. Praha. 2017.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Pedagogický slovník. Praha. 2013.
PRŮCHA, Jan. Psychologie učení: teoretické a výzkumné poznatky pro edukační praxi. Praha. 2020.
SLEZÁKOVÁ, Jana. Průvodce pedagogickou praxí. Olomouc. 2020.
ŠVEC, Vlastimil. Determinanty účinnosti učitelských praxí. Brno. 2016.
VLČKOVÁ, Kateřina. Řízení třídy: studenti učitelství a jejich provázející učitelé. Brno. 2020.