Hes Milan, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Characteristic features of history didactics as a scientific discipline. 2. The place of history didactics in the system of scientific disciplines 3. Historical development of history didactics 4. Current state of history didactics, main areas of research 5. Development of history education in the Czech lands 6. Current trends in history education 7. Objectives of history teaching 8. History curriculum 9. Content of history teaching 10. History textbook, its functions and structural elements 11. Research of history textbooks 12. Educational process. The personality of the history teacher 13. Teaching history abroad 14. Defenses of seminar theses
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The subject aims to familiarize the audience with the essential features of the didactics of history as a scientific discipline of a frontier nature, its main goals and tasks, content and methodology, as well as basic areas of research. It also includes an overview of the development of history education in our countries, familiarization with the creation and content of new educational programs and lesson plans here and abroad.
The student will acquire knowledge about the character of history didactics as a scientific discipline and the basic areas of its research. Can formulate and explain the main goals and tasks of history education, navigate basic school documents and apply them in a specific situation. Students apply knowledge of the categories of historical consciousness in history education.
1. The student simultaneously acquires knowledge in the field of psychology, pedagogy and general didactics 2. Demonstrates the knowledge expected from the completion of basic history courses.
Assessment methods and criteria
The study program is focused on the professional training of future history teachers in primary and secondary schools. Various methods and procedures differentiating both degrees are simultaneously applied within the course. During the semester, students prepare and defend a seminar paper, the topic of which is based on the content of the material discussed, and defend it during the presentation. The seminar work proves the ability to start a didactic analysis of a historical thematic unit.
Recommended literature
Julínek, S. Základy oborové didaktiky dějepisu. Brno, 2004. ISBN 80-210-3495-5.
Kratochvíl, Viliam. Metafora stromu ako model didaktiky dejepisu. Bratislava: Raabe, 2019. ISBN 978-80-8140-365-1.
Kratochvíl, Viliam. Pátrame po řeči iného. Princíp multiperspektivity teoreticky a prakticky pre vzdelávaciu oblasť Človek a spoločnosť. Bratislava, 2021. ISBN 978-80-8140-488-7.
Labischová, Denisa - Gracová, Blažena. Příručka ke studiu didaktiky dějepisu. Ostrava, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7368-584-3.
Seixas, Peter, Morton, Tom. The Big Six: Historical thinking concepts. Toronto, 2013. ISBN 978-01-7654-154-5.
Stradling Robert. Multiperspektivita ve vyučování dějepisu: příručka pro učitele. Dostupné (https://www.msmt.cz/vzdelavani/zakladni-vzdelavani/multiperspektivita-ve-vyucovani-dejepisu-prirucka-pro-ucitele?highlightWords=Stradling). Praha, 2004.
Strandling Robert. Jak učit evropské dějiny 20. století. Dostupné (http://www.msmt.cz/file/36206_1_1/ ).