1. The origination of the Italian Baroque 2. G. L. Bernini and his followers 3. European Baroque painting and architecture of the 17th and early 18th centuries 4. Proto-Baroque in Bohemia in the first half of the 17th century 5. Baroque culture in Bohemia: its historical, political and religious background, aristocracy, spiritual orders, significant commissioners, collecting, music 6. Baroque architecture and painting in the 17th-century Bohemia 7. Bohemian Baroque sculpture 8. High-Baroque architecture in Bohemia 9. High-Baroque painting in Bohemia 10. Expert field trip I 11. Baroque in Saxony, Silesia, Moravia and Austria 12. Late Baroque and the beginnings of Neo-Classicism in Europe and Bohemia 13. Expert field trip II
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