Hes Milan, Mgr. Bc. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Visuality, visual studies and history 2. Analysis of a painting 3. Analysis of a cartoon 4. Photo analysis 5. Analysis of a film
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The subject is devoted to the analysis of image sources. The subject introduces the theory of visuality, visual studies, the theory of painting, photography and film. Work with visual sources is focused on the needs of professional historical work and history education.
The student analyzes visual sources and critically approaches visual information. They apply the methods of the historian?s work to visual sources of historical information and interpret the wider social and historical context of contemporary media products.
No conditions
Assessment methods and criteria
The student analyzes selected visual sources and prepares a seminar paper on this topic.
Recommended literature
BERGER, J. O pohledu. Praha. 2009.
BERGER, J. Způsoby vidění. Praha. 2016.
FOSTER, T. C. Jak číst film: cinefilův průvodce po světě pohyblivých obrázků. Brno. 2017.
GOMBRICH, E. H. Umění a iluze: studie o psychologii obrazového znázorňování. Praha. 2019.
McLUHAN, M. Jak rozumět médiím: extenze člověka. Praha. 2011.
MIRZOEFF, N. Jak vidět svět. Praha. 2018.
MIRZOEFF, N. Úvod do vizuální kultury. Praha. 2012.
MITCHELL, W. J. T. Picture Theory Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995.
PANOFSKY, E. Význam ve výtvarném umění. Praha. 2021.
RITCHIN, F. Snímání rámu: fotožurnalismus, občan, dokument. Praha. 2019.
SONTAG, S. O fotografii. Praha. 2002.