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Course code KHI/KSTA
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Krieger Miloslav, PhDr. CSc.
  • Trefný Martin, Dr. habil. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Subjects of the individual lectures: 1. The arrival of the early civilizations and states (sources, periodization, methods of historical cognition, methodological problems) 2. Development from the city state to the first empires (Sumer, Akkad, Mesopotamia and Assyria), the successional states after the 1st century B. C. 3. The Hittite Empire and Asia Minor in the wider relations in the framework of the Antique Orient, the development of the region to the Persian domination 4. Syrian-Palestinian region, Phoinikia and Palestine, the preconditions and climaxes of their development during the 1st century 5. The issue of the Egyptian state, its character, its internal and external (domestic and foreign) conditions and relations in a wider space to the arrival of Alexander of Macedon 6. The Minoan and Mycenaean cultures in the context of the earliest history of the Aegean region, the history of Greece and the beginnings of the European civilization 7. The establishment of the Greek state (Polis) and the developmental trends in the archaic period (early tyranis, great Greek colonization). Society and state in both unity and polarity of the Greek world, culture and politics (Sparta and Athens, Greek-Persian wars, Peloponnese wars as the catalyser of the arriving changes) 8. The crisis of the Greek Polis, the form of the unification of Greece under Macedonia. The personality and role of Alexander the Great and the arrival of Hellenism with its specific features in politics, religion and culture 9. The developmental influences in the ethnic and cultural variety of West Mediterranean and Italy, the establishment of Rome 10. The consolidation of the Roman state in creating both domestic and external balance in the framework of the Roman society. From the union of Italy to the empire, from the Punic Wars to the active interventions in East Mediterranean 11. The era of revolutions and the intensifying crisis of the Roman republic in the 1st century B.C. (from the Gracchis to the triumvirate and Caesar?s autocracy) 12. The origination of Augustus? Principate and the decline of the republic, the transformations of the Roman society and gradual consolidation of the imperial systems, forms of interlinking the domestic developments and the foreign relations (the problems in sources and in modern research) 13. The development of the Roman foreign policy as conditioned by and retrospectively influencing the domestic system (the problems of enforcing the dynastic reign, Pax Romana, provincialization, direct and indirect style of Roman domination, Jews and Christianity) 14. Factors of the deeper crisis of the system and its expressions in the increasing weakness of the empire, the efforts to overcome it via Diocletians? and Constantins I?s reforms (the paralysis and disintegration of the structures of the Roman state, the migration of nations and the failed integration of the Germans, barbarization, the significance and role of religion). The separation of the empire, the fall of the West-Roman empire and the extinction of the world of Classical Antiquity

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the lectures is to provide an outline of the basic stages of development in Antiquity and to make students familiar with the characteristic features of the development from the beginning of the city states to the establishment and the history of the antique empires climaxing in the Roman Empire. Primary attention is given to explaining the causes of the economic, political and cultural boom of Antique Greece and Rome, its expressions and consequences including the further developments in the form of the Empire?s disintegration and the decline of Classical Antiquity. Adequate attention is also given to the significance of the Antique heritage from the point of the subsequent historical developments and, selectively, to the crucial issues of understanding and studying the long history of Antiquity. The spoken lecture is accompanied by visualisations of maps referring to crucial sources and analysing them and by selective examples of historical monuments and relics and historical sources.
The graduates are orientated in the crucial contexts of development from late prehistory to the formation of early medieval Europe. They realize the significance of the epoch of the Classical Antiquity and its history as the oldest era in the history of humanity with its significance for the formation of further European and global developments. They have general understanding of the basic tendencies in the development of the Antique world, of the ways and forms of spreading civilization and culture. They are able to employ the acquired knowledge about the development of the Antique world in the connected historical disciplines due to realizing the relevant contexts and relations in the framework of the European development.

Assessment methods and criteria
Students are required to attend lectures and study the recommended literature.
Recommended literature
  • Adkins, A, Adkins R.A. Antický Řím. Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7391-579-7.
  • Adkins, A, Adkins R.A. Starověké Řecko. Encyklopedická příručka.. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7391-580-3.
  • Bednaříková J. Stěhování národů. Praha, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7429-305-4.
  • Bleicken J. Athénská demokracie. Praha, 2002. ISBN 80-7298-055-6.
  • Burian J. Římské impérium. Vrchol a proměny antické civilizace.. Praha, 1997. ISBN 80-205-0536-9.
  • Češka J. Zánik antického světa.. Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-7021-386-8.
  • Charvát P,, Marek V., Oliva P. Encyklopedie dějin starověku. Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7277-201-8.
  • Charvát P. Zrození státu. Prvotní civilizace Starého světa. Praha, 2001. ISBN 978-80-246-1682-7.
  • Christ K. Krize a zánik římské republiky.. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7429-029-9.
  • J: Pečírka /a kol./. Dějiny pravěku a starověku, I., II.. Praha, 1989.
  • J.Burian, P. Oliva. Civilizace starověkého Středomoří, I., II.. Praha, 2015. ISBN 978-80-8787-20-4.
  • Kepartová J. Římané a Evropa. Antické dědictví v evropské kultuře.. Praha, 2005. ISBN 80-246-0862-6.
  • Nováková J., Pečírka J. Antika v dokumentech, I. Řecko. Praha, 1959.
  • Nováková J., Pečírka J. Antika v dokumentech, II., Řím. Praha, 1961.
  • Oliva P. Kolébka demokracie. Dějiny a kultura klasického Řecka.. Praha, 2000. ISBN 80-86410-04-8.
  • Oliva P. Zrození evropské civilizace.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): History (Single Subject) (A14) Category: History courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter