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Course code KHI/KPPN
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Honys Vít, PhDr.
Course content
1. Beginnings of the relation to the works of the past and the origination of the intentional efforts at preserving the monuments in the service of the national idea (to the early 19th century). The personality of E. E. Viollet le Duc and the Purist concept of a monuments? restoration Lecture: Romanticist feeling in connection with the awakening national awareness as the source of admiration of the monuments of the medieval past, the influence of the phenomenon of ruins, the first attempts at rescuing and documenting medieval monuments in Saxony and Thuringia, the establishment of the position of general inspector of historical monuments in France, the introduction of the position of general inspector of historical monuments in France, the personality of E. E. Viollet le Duc and his theoretical approaches to the revival (restoration) of historical monuments, the inspiring restoration of the dome in Cologne and its influence on the Central-European environment, John Ruskin and his opposition against restoring medieval architecture 2. The establishment and activity of the Austrian-Hungarian Central Committee for Seeking and Preserving Construction Monuments in the Austrian Monarchy Lecture: Circumstances of the establishment of the Austrian-Hungarian Central Committee? and the scope of its activities, the perception of a historical monument, the establishment of a network of conservationists and correspondents, the principle of preserving the last surviving state of construction, broadening of the Committee?s scope of activity (1873), the preparations of its summary recording activity, the origination of the Hungarian Temporary Committee for Historical Monuments in 1872 and the Hungarian Law on Preserving Artistic Monuments of 1881 3. Theoretical concepts of G. Dehio, A. Riegel and B. Ebhart at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries Lecture: Riegel?s work "Der moderne Denkmalkultus, sein Wesen und seine Entstehung" - analysis of the values of a historical monument and the theoretical acknowledgement of the significance of the value of a relic?s "ancientry" as an emotional value, its relation to other values, respecting the influence of all stylistic eras, rejection of the Purist concept of a monument?s restoration and orientation towards its mere conservation, polemics with G. G. Dehio (a monument as part of the national existence) and B. Ebhardt in the work "Neue Strömungen in der Denkmalpflege" 4. Max Dvořák and his reform of the Central Committee, the development of the discipline to the period of the First World War. Lecture: The beginnings of inventorying the monuments, the establishment of the Club for the Old Prague, the reform of the Central Committee in 1911 and the introduction of the land preservationists for Bohemian and German areas in the Kingdom of Bohemia, the protectorship of Franz Ferdinand d?Este, accepting Riegel?s principles in the milieu of the Club for the Old Prague and the alliance with progressive architectural work, the wartime requisitions of metals, bells and prospect organ pipes, the publication and the significance of Dvořák?s Catechism of Care of Historical Monuments

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
Introduction to the development of the care of historical monuments - from the first expressions of respect towards historical works and works of art of the past to the present situation. After the introductory lecture, presenting selective examples of sensitive approach or relation to the artefacts of the past before the origination of the first legislative tools serving to protect historical monuments, attention is mainly paid to the development of the principles of care of historical monuments of the 19th and 20th centuries, including the establishment and activities of the Viennese Austrian-Hungarian committee for preservation of and searching for historical buildings. The education presents concepts of approaches to the historical monuments found both in theoretical works and practical realizations of the leading personalities in the field (E. E. Viollet le Duc, J. Ruskin, A. Riegl, G. G. Dehio, M. Dvořák, Z. Wirth, V. Wagner) with especial focus on the Central-European milieu. Attention is also paid to the unfortunate regional specifics of the North-Bohemian region after the Second World War and their consequences, and to the available documents on this subject. At closing, characteristics is provided as concerns the contemporary legislature in the care of historical monuments in the Czech Republic and the operation of professional organizations and executive bodies of the state care of historical monuments. The lectures moreover provide comparison with the systems of care of historical monuments in selected European countries, including the present economic information about the subsidy stimulation of the monuments? owners and some topical problems in the field.
The graduates receive basic orientation in the development and essential theoretical points of departure and philosophical tendencies (including selected personalities) in the care of historical monuments, including relevant terminology employed by the given field. They also become orientated in the basic issues of the legislature concerning the care of historical monuments with emphasis laid on its practical use (e.g., on the ability to process a proposal to proclaim an object a cultural monument, the structure and role of executive bodies and organizations of state care of historical monuments, legal bases of state care of historical monuments, legal bases of protecting historical monuments, contemporary possibilities of receiving grants for the benefit of rescuing and restoring historical monuments). They also have elementary knowledge of the most significant information sources of the professional organizations of state care of historical monuments both in the Czech Republic and abroad. They are well informed about the availability of professional literature in the framework of library collections in the given region and in Prague and know the spectrum of periodicals which publish articles and essays on the issues related to the given discipline.
History of Art

Assessment methods and criteria
active participation in discussion
Recommended literature
  • Dvořák Max. Katechismus památkové péče. Praha, 2004. ISBN 80-86234-55-X.
  • Hlobil Ivo. Na základech konzervativní teorie české památkové péče (výbor textů). Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-87104-32-3.
  • Kiessow Gottfried. Německá památková péče. 2012.
  • kolektiv. Mezinárodní dokumenty o ochraně kulturního dědictví. Praha, 2002. ISBN 978-80-87104-14-9.
  • Kroupa Petr. Čas a autenticita památky, in: Zprávy památkové péče 64, 2004/5, s. 431-442. 2004.
  • Martin Zídek. Ochrana památek v Rakousku, in: Almanach Programu regenerace městských památkových rezervací a zón V, s. 65-96.. Praha, 2000.
  • Nejedlý Vratislav. Počátky státem organizované ochrany památek v rakouské monarchii a dnešek, in: Zprávy památkové péče 53, s. 151-156. Praha, 1993.
  • Riegl Alois. Moderní památková péče. Praha, 2004. ISBN 80-86234-34-7.
  • Štorm Břetislav. Základy péče o stavební památky. Praha, 2007.
  • Štulc Josef. Vývoj památkové péče, její proměny a myšlenkové zápasy, in: Regenerace hisotrických budov, sídel a ochrana krajiny a ochrana památek (ed. Milan Pavlík). Praha, 1998.
  • Uhlíková Kristina. Národní kulturní komise 1947 - 1951. Praha, 2004. ISBN 80-903230-8-1.
  • Uhlíková Kristina. Zdeněk Wirth, první dvě životní etapy 1878-1939. Praha, 2010. ISBN 978-80-87104-60-6.
  • Vinter Vlastimil. Úvod do dějin a teorie památkové péče I, s. 7 - 30. Praha, 1971.
  • Wagner Václav. Umělecké dílo minulosti a jeho ochrana. Praha, 2006.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): History (Single Subject) (A14) Category: History courses 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer