The course focuses on the period of Czech history from the accession of the Habsburgs to the Czech throne to the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, i.e. the period of the so-called early modern period. The focus is not only on the course of political history and events, but also on issues and aspects of economic, social and cultural development. The chronological limitation therefore represents only a framework basis; it is necessary to take into account more extensive historical stages and overlaps (e.g. aspects of population development, the development of the social structure of the population of the Czech lands, etc.). The main aim of this part of the course is to introduce students to the main problems of the history of this period in the broader context of the history of the entire Habsburg Monarchy and Central Europe. This concerns, in particular, foreign policy, with its implications for internal conditions, and tracing the uneven and specific development of the various parts of the Habsburg monarchy. The nature of the influence of the Viennese court and of the individual Habsburg monarchs, which naturally had a fundamental impact on the development of the Bohemian Crown in the historical period under review, will also be examined.
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Koldinská, M. - Cerman, I. a kol.. Základní problémy studia raného novověku. Praha, 2013.
PETR VOREL. Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české. Svazek 7, 1526 - 1618. Praha, 2005. ISBN 80-7185-648-7.
Petráň, J. Dějiny hmotné kultury II/1-2.. Praha, 1995.
Vorel, P. Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české, sv. VII, 1526-1618. Praha, 2005.
Winkelbauer, T. Österreichische Geschichte 1522?1699. Ständefreiheit und Fürstenmacht- Länder und Untertanen des Hauses Habsburg im konfessionellen Zeitalter I? II. Wien, 2003.