Course: Information Technologies for Historians

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Course title Information Technologies for Historians
Course code KHI/KBH80
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Koumar Jiří, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The teaching of the subject in a combined form includes the following topics in individual teaching blocks: 1. Use of IT in historical science (databases and quantitative methods, digitization of sources), context of humanities 2. Digitization of sources (types of sources and their electronic accessibility, databases, possibilities of using digitized sources, examples) 3. IT in school history - popularization and presentation of the results of historical science (examples of projects, history software), the phenomenon of "serious game" in relation to the historical field, discussion 4. Genealogical programs as a specific type of "history software" 5. Creation of electronic presentations in the historical field, principles of visual accompaniment of communication of research results (elements, means, examples) 6. "History in tables" (software for the analysis of quantitative sources in the context of historical demography)

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course will focus on those topics in the field of information technology that can benefit the professional historian in his professional work or popularization of the results of historical research. It will present a wide range of programs that can be used in the historical field (database and genealogical software, presentation programs, audio editors, video editors, etc.), while the spectrum of software resources will focus on freeware programs.
The graduate of the course will gain a basic orientation in the range of possibilities that the rapidly developing field of information technology provides for history as a science or general education subject. On a more concrete level, the graduate will gain a comprehensive understanding of appropriate sources of historical material from the Internet. Through specific training, the student will then learn how to use typical software tools that can benefit him or her in the profession of historian or in popularization activities of a historical nature. After the course, the student will be able to: - create various types of electronic presentations, based on respect for formal, pedagogical and psychological, as well as professional requirements for their presentation - make appropriate use of selected software tools for editing historical material, source base, specific attention will be oriented to editing audio material of historical character (testimony of a witness) - prepare a genealogical chart using one of the genealogical programs; - to create a simple, useful and clear database based on a selected historical source of a statistical nature.
At least a basic knowledge of using a personal computer and its generally available software (especially Office programs).

Assessment methods and criteria
Completion of continuously assigned tasks: (1) review and ongoing monitoring of IT and historical discipline linkage activity (2) use of selected software (e.g. genealogical database) (3) creating a presentation as part of a professional speech (4) editing of digital audio material /memorial testimony/ (5) creation of a database - analysis of statistical source material and possibilities of quantitative research
Recommended literature
  • AIKEN, Mary. Nebezpečný efekt (Přední kyberpsycholožka vysvětluje, jak online svět mění lidské chování). Praha. 2021.
  • BOROVIČKOVÁ, Jana. Historik a počítač. Využití výpočetní techniky v historickém výzkumu (= disertační práce, FF UK Praha). Praha. 2002.
  • BOTSMANOVÁ, Rachel. Komu se dá věřit? Jak nás technologie sblížily a proč by nás mohly rozeštvat. Brno. 2018.
  • CARR, Nicholas. Nebezpečná mělčina - Jak internet mění náš mozek. Praha. 2017.
  • DVOŘÁK, Tomáš. World Wide Web a dějepisectví. Rizika, výzvy a příležitosti, In: Dějiny ? Teorie ? Kritika, ročník 11. Praha. 2004.
  • FLORIDI, Luciano. Čtvrtá revoluce: Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality. Praha. 2019.
  • CHAPMAN, Adam - FOKA, Anna - WESTIN, Jonathan. ntroduction: What is HistoricalGame Studies?, Rethinking History 21, č. 3. 2017.
  • CHAPMAN, Gary - PELICANE, Arlene. Vztahy v digitálním světě. Praha. 2016.
  • KUPROVÁ, Barbora. Využití genealogických programů v historické demografii. Případová studie: panství Škvorec na přelomu 18. a 19. století, Historická demografie, ročník 38. Praha. 2014.
  • LORENZ, Maren. Prezentace dějin na Wikipedii aneb touha po neměnnosti uprostřed nekonečné změny, In: Dějiny ? Teorie ? Kritika, ročník 11. Praha. 2004.
  • LOVELOCK, James. Novacén. Brno. 2022.
  • MAREŠ, Petr. Kyberkultura, hackeři a digitální revoluce: Informace chce být svobodná. Praha. 2022.
  • MIKULEC, Jiří. Počítače a internet v historickém výzkumu raného novověku, In: Základní problémy studia raného novověku. Praha. 2013.
  • NEWPORT, Cal. Digitální minimalismus (Zkroťte návykové technologie a získejte svůj čas). Praha. 2019.
  • REYNOLDS, Garr. Prezentace a zen (jednoduše a srozumitelně o designu prezentací a jejich předvádění). Brno. 2009.
  • SPITZER, Manfred. Digitální demence (Jak připravujeme sami sebe a naše děti o rozum). Brno. 2014.
  • SPITZER, Manfred. Kybernemoc. Brno. 2016.
  • ZIMBARDO, Philip ? COULOMBE, Nikita D.:. Odpojený muž (Jak technologie připravuje muže o mužství a co s tím). Praha. 2017.
  • ZOUNEK, Jiří. E-learning - jedna z podob učení v moderní společnosti. Brno. 2009.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester