Facultative course " Clothing in the period of Middle Ages" introduces students to history of European clothing in the period of Middle Ages , specially focussing on the area of central Europe and the Lands of Bohemian Crown. The course also presents students with historical resources which might be used for the study of history of clothing, further with approaches, ways of interpretation and information value of particular types of resources for history of fashion and clothing. The course provides summary of current research on history of clothing which stands between history of material culture, history of daily life, cultural and historical anthropology, historical sociology, history of mentalitities and others.
Students will get knowledge about clothes as a special part of material culture which enables us assemble a picture about a way of life of human society in particular historical stages. Students will learn about approaches to material, written and visual historical resources which might be used for the study of history of clothing, with basic literature on the topic and especially with interdiciplinary approaches to history of clothing.
BRAVERMANOVÁ, Milena - LUTOVSKÝ, Michal. Hroby, hrobky a pohřebiště českých knížat a králů. Praha, 2001.
GRAUS, František. Český obchod se suknem ve 14. a počátkem 15. století. Praha, 1950.
KYBALOVÁ, Ludmila. Dějiny odívání. Středověk. Praha, 2001.
KYBALOVÁ, Ludmila. Renesance. Dějiny odívání. PRAHA, 1996.
LE GOFF, Jacques - SCHMITT, Jean-Claude. Encyklopedie středověku. Praha, 2008.
LE GOFF, Jacques - TRUONG, Nicolas. Tělo ve středověké kultuře. Praha, 2006.
NACHTMANNOVÁ, Alena - KLAPETKOVÁ, Olga edd. Oděv v Čechách ve středověku a raném novověku. Praha, 2016. ISBN 978-80-86516-83-7.
SKARLANTOVÁ, Jana. Od fíkového listu k džínům. Praha, 1999.
THIEL, Erika. Geschichte des Kostüms. Berlin, 1963.
WAGNER, Eduard - MUDRA, Miroslav. Středověk. Doba předhusitská a husitská. Oděvy, zbroj, zbraně. Praha, 2006.