Course: Introduction to Intercultural Literary Science

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Course title Introduction to Intercultural Literary Science
Course code KGER/N008
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction German
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Cornejo Renata, prof. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
. The concept of culture in a broader and narrower sense (Redder, Bolten) 2. Cultural standards and stereotypes (Drescher), the notion of tolerance 3. Concepts of difference, alienity and otherness, relationship of identity and alterity (Sundermeier, Wierlacher, Kristeva) 4. Interculturality concept in German (Wierlacher, Mecklenburg) 5. The concept of transculturality - comparison with the intercultural concept (Welsch, Mecklenburg) 6. Postcolonial theory, the concept of hybridity and the concept of the so-called "third space" (Bhabha) 7.- 8. Concept of Interculturality in Literature I: Intercultural Literary Science - Its Objectives and Methods 9.-10. Concept of Interculturality in Literature II: The term "intercultural literature", its evolution, specifics 11. Multilingualism and its influence on the language of intercultural literature (the concept of dialogicity - Bachtin, Chiellino) 12. Literary translation and reception of literary works as an intercultural phenomenon

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of lectures is to acquaint students with selected theories and methods of intercultural literary science. They focus primarily on the question of how intercultural literature enriches the contemporary literary science of what it brings and where it is going. In the seminars the students, on the basis of an analysis of professional literary texts, develop their ability to critically reflect professional texts and to look at literary texts from the point of view of intercultural
Student - gain an insight into literary, intercultural theories and methods, - can critically inspect the professional texts of literary science and is able to analyse selected intercultural aspects in the literary work.

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit requirements: - Active participation in seminars on the basis of knowledge of professional texts, oral presentation Exam requirements: - Written examination in the form of a test
Recommended literature
  • Bhabha, K. H. Die Verortung der Kultur. Tübingen, 2000. ISBN 000.
  • HOFMANN, Michael. Interkulturelle Literaturwissenschaft. Eine Einführung. Paderborn, 2006. ISBN 978-3-8252-2839-2.
  • Chiellino, C. Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland. Ein Handbuch. Stuttgart, Weimar, 2007. ISBN 00.
  • LESKOVEC, A. Einführung in die interkulturelle Literaturwissenschaft. Darmstadt, 2011.
  • Mecklenburg, N. Das Mädchen aus der Fremde. Germanistik als interkulturelle Literaturwissenschaft. München, 2008. ISBN 0000.
  • Rösch, H. Migrationsliteratur im interkulturellen Kontext. Frankfurt am Main, 1992. ISBN 00.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester