Cornejo Renata, prof. Mgr. Ph.D.
Obsah předmětu
1. Introduction 2. Situation in Germany after 1945, the different migration waves, their reasons 3. Social status and legal status of "Gastarbeiter" and national minorities 4. Image of the migrant in contemporary German media 5. Concepts of migration and intercultural literature 6. Literary works by migrant authos (statements, interviews, essays) 7. Literary works by migrant authors (lyrics, short, stories) 8. Films dealing with the representation of intercultural differences and integration processes 9. Films dealing with the autobiographical experiences of migrants and family constellations 10. Summary
Studijní aktivity a metody výuky
Monologická (výklad, přednáška, instruktáž), Dialogická (diskuze, rozhovor, brainstorming), Metody práce s textem (učebnicí, knihou), Aktivizující (simulace, hry, dramatizace)
Výstupy z učení
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the course of individual migration waves to Germany after 1945 and their treatment in literature and film. Since the 1980s, this topic has gradually come to the fore as authors of migrant origin, equipped with a mother tongue other than German, have come to the fore. They have gradually become more visible and today form an important part of both social and intercultural discourse. The topic of migration, cultural differences and the issue of integration processes are among the important topics reflected in the German media as well as in culture, especially in literature and film.
The student gains insight into the issue of migration and the status of minorities in Germany, knows selected treatments of this topic in German literature and film, and is able to analyse a chosen literary text or film from this perspective.
No prior subjects needed.
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Esej, Rozhovor
B1 language level of English or German; A written paper on a pre-selected topic of 10 pages, based on self-study with recommended secondary literature.
Doporučená literatura
Adelson, L. The Turkish Turn in Contemporary German Literature. 2005.
Boran, Erol M. Die Geschichte des türkisch-deutschen Theaters und Kabaretts. Bielefeld, 2022. ISBN 978-3-8394-6514-1.
Genoni, Andreas. Status and Ethnic Identity. Berlin. 2022.
Hicks, Bethany Erin. Migration and the Construction of German Identities, 1949?2004. Oldenbourg, 2023. ISBN 978-3-11-071612-.
Machart, Regis / Gao, Minghui. Intercultural Masquerade. New Orientalism, New Occidentalism, Old Exoticism. Berlin, 2016. ISBN 978-3-662-51672-.