Course: Practical Language I

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Course title Practical Language I
Course code KGER/KPJ1
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 9
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Obrová Lucie, Mgr.
  • Kloibhofer Manuel, M.A.
Course content
Related to the topics discussed, individual language skills will be practiced. 1. Home, foreign countries, interaction, interculturality 2. Language, communication, small talk, foreign language study, conflicts and conflict situations 3. Study, occupation, labor market 4. Coexistence and lifestyle, youth, equality, violence prevention, wealth and poverty 5. Science, research According to the needs of students and the subject matter in the textbook, grammatical structures are practiced on an ongoing basis. 6. Present tense, imperative of irregular verbs 7. Perfect and past perfect tense of regular, irregular, and mixed verbs, and verbs with strong and weak forms 8. Auxiliary verbs haben and sein in perfect and past perfect tense - rules for their use 9. Simple past tense of regular, irregular, mixed verbs and verbs with weak and strong forms 10. Gender and case of nouns, weak declension 11. Declension of adjectives, participles in attributive positions, substantiated adjectives 12. Passive voice

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to develop the overall skills of speaking German, to repeat grammar and increase competences in grammar, to expand vocabulary, improve the oral and written expression, and learn about the culture in German-speaking countries. Required entrance level is min. B1 of CEFRL. It is expected to master the lessons 1-5 of the textbook Aspekte neu B2.
The student - knows the vocabulary and grammar to the extent related to the topics discussed, - understands texts with familiar topics in detail, and has an overall understanding of academic texts, - can briefly summarize, both in writing and orally, the main ideas of a text written and spoken in general German, - can write an informal letter/email and a cover letter, - can use proper language in courtesy communication, discussion, diagram description and self-presentation.
Required entrance level at least B1 of CEFRL.

Assessment methods and criteria
To obtain credit - Active participation in seminars - Fulfillment of tasks continuously assigned by the teacher - Timely submission of written assignments - Successful completion of the credit test (70% of the total points) Exam The student demonstrates the ability to express themselves orally on topics of everyday life, is able to argue for their point and to present their own opinion.
Recommended literature
  • Buscha, A./Szita, S. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Sprachniveau B1/B2. Leipzig, 2011.
  • Dinsel, S./Geiger, S. Großes Übungsbuch Deutsch. Grammatik. Ismaning, 2009.
  • Dreyer, H./Schmitt, R. ): Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik aktuell. Ismaning, 2009.
  • Koithan, U. & Schmitz, H. & Sieber, T. & Sonntag, R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehrbuch B2. Stuttgart, 2017.
  • Koithan, U./Schmitz, H./Sieber, T./Sonntag, R. Aspekte neu. Mittelstufe Deutsch. Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD B2. Stuttgart, 2017.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester