Course: Božena Němcová between Cultures and Media

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Course title Božena Němcová between Cultures and Media
Course code KGER/BN
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Hrdličková Jana, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Icons Figures of National Cultures and their Significance Today, Božena Němcová in Czech schools (forms of tradition and didactisation, inserting into national and global narrative) 2. Božena Němcová in Czech and International Czech Studies (reading of selected texts) 3. The Grandmother (the novel and its German translation, or audiobook from 2014) 4. Božena Němcová and Josef Němec in Prose I (Miroslav Ivanov: Zahrada života paní Betty, později Boženy N. [The Garden of Ms. Betty's, later of Božena N.'s, Life], 1992; Miloš Urban: Poslední tečka za rukopisy [The Final Mark on the Manuscripts]; 1998) 5. Božena Němcová and Josef Němec in Prose II (Vladimír Drnák: Manžel slavné ženy [The Husband of a Famous Woman], 1938; Magdaléna Pokorná: Josef Němec: Neobyčejný muž neobyčejné ženy [An Extraordinary Man of an Extraordinary Woman,], 2009) 6. Božena Němcová and Josef Němec in Poetry (František Halas: Naše paní Božena Němcová [Our Lady Božena Němcová], 1940; Jaroslav Seifert: Vějíř Boženy Němcové [The Fan of Božena Němcová], 1940; Píseň o Viktorce [The Song of Viktorka], 1950) 7. Božena Němcová and Josef Němec in Czech (1971; 2004-2007) and German (1995; 2006) Correspondence 8. Božena Němcová and Josef Němec in Film (Horoucí srdce [An Ardent Heart], 1962; Vlčí halíř [A Wolf's Penny], 1975; Veronika, 1985; Durch diese Nacht sehe ich keinen einzigen Stern [And in This Night I See Not a Single Star], 2005) and in the four-part TV series Božena, 2021) 9. Dagmar Knöpfel: Durch diese Nacht sehe ich keinen einzigen Stern (2005) - commented viewing of the film 10. Dagmar Knöpfel: Durch diese Nacht sehe ich keinen einzigen Stern (2005) - analysis and comparison of various renderings of Němcová in selected Czech films or popularization documents (Nesmrtelná hvězda Božena Němcová [The Immortal Star Božena Němcová], Olga Sommerová, 1997; Obrazy ze života Boženy Němcové [Pictures from the Life of Božena Němcová], Lenka Vlasáková, 2011) 11. Němcová in German, Czech, and international literary history (Václav Tille, Julius Fučík, Helena Sobková, Jaroslava Janáčková; Walter Schamschula, Georg J. Morava, Gertraude Zand), and in museums 12. Timeliness of Božena Němcová, final discussions

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
To this day, the female writer Božena Němcová attracts the attention of the Czech public despite the facts that the epic film about this ,extraordinary' (Magdaléna Pokorná), ,famous' (Vladimír Drnák) woman was, in the new millennium, first made by a German director, Dagmar Knöpfel, in 2005. Němcová and her novella, The Grandmother, which was translated into more than twenty foreign languages, are in general very popular in the German-speaking countries. In the seminar, we will deal with Czech texts and letters by Němcová, their translations into German, and further with scholarly articles from the field of Czech Studies (both domestic and international). Attention will also be paid to films of Czech and German provenance about Němcová and her work. The aim of the course is to trace the popularity and timeliness of Němcová and her work in Czech culture and, in contrast, to the cultures of German-speaking countries.
The student - will get acquainted with the film by German director Dagmar Knöpfel Durch diese Nacht sehe ich keinen einzigen Stern (2005), and/or with the screenplay of her theatrical play Ich lebe (2000) - will critically re/evaluate the image of Božena Němcová s/he obtained during his/her high school socialization - will study contemporary scholarly literature on Němcová and watch films about her, or about her novel The Grandmother - applies Wierlacher's methodology of 'foreign eyes' on Němcová as an iconic female writer in Czech culture

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit - will be given for an active participation in seminars - for an oral presentation on one of the course topics. For the presentation, students will create either a handout or a ppt presentation with an outline, their own theses on the topic, and secondary literature
Recommended literature
  • Drnák, V. Manžel slavné ženy. Praha, 1970.
  • Halas, F. Naše paní Božena Němcová. Praha, 2005.
  • Ivanov, M. Zahrada života paní Betty, později Boženy N. Praha, 1992.
  • Janáčková, J./Macurová, A. Poslední slovesný výkon. In: Řeč dopisů, řeč v dopisech Boženy Němcové. Praha, 2001.
  • Kokešová, H. ?Jen kdyby ta mama byla jiná?? (Výběrová korespondence Josefa a Karla Němcových). 2002.
  • Němcová, B. Die Großmutter. Eine Erzählung aus dem alten Böhmen. Übersetzung Hanna und Peter Demetz. Zürich, 1959.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester