Jičínská Veronika, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Reproductive faithfulness: Jiří Levý 2. Dictionaries and Internet resources 3. Phenomena distinct to Czech 4. Phenomena distinct to German. Interference and Germanisms. Practical training of translation 5. Author's style; practical training 6. Cultural context, local and temporal references, alusion; practical training 7. Translation of dramatic texts (Levý, Povejšil); visit of the literary manager of ČS ; practical training 8. Editing text for a scene: Worshop with the theater team of the ČS 9. The degree of literality; practical training 10. Functional styles; practical training 11. Workshop with a career translator 12. Workshop with a career translator 13. Publishing practice
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
"The aim of the seminar is to translate and edit a drama by a contemporary German-speaking author that will be produced by Činoherní studio in Ústí nad Labem. This is part of the project ""Crossing the Borders"", putting together students of various disciplines, since the theater play will subsequently be presented by the students of Drama Schools (DAMU, JAMU) in the form of scenic reading. The experience of transposing the German drama in the Czech culture will also be valuable for participants in the seminar. The seminar will take place in the form of creative workshops in close cooperation with the team of the Činoherní studio. Students will thus be in direct contact with both German and Czech texts, their adaptation for specific performances, and will thus participate in the final result of staging a drama."
The student - Is familiar with the fundamental problems of translation theory - Knows the basic terminology of translation theory - Is familiar with basic translation methods - Is able to translate a simple literary text
Assessment methods and criteria
To obtain credit: - Active part in the classroom work - Completion of all assignments - Proof-reading and completion of final version of translation
Recommended literature
Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Jedermann. Frankfurt/M., 1974.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Vier Einakter von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Wien, 2005.