Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Didactic reconstruction - reflection of observation activities within pedagogical practice - 2 seminars 2. Didactic reconstruction - teaching reflection - 2 seminars 3. Reflection of the teaching story - development of didactic knowledge of content and pedagogical style - 2 seminars 4. Didactic reconstruction - completed cooperation with the teacher in the educational process - 2 seminars 5. Mastering the educational process in civic education at the 2nd level of elementary school - 2 seminars 6. Mastering the educational process in the basics of social sciences at high school - 2 seminars 7. Mastering the reflection of one's own pedagogical activity - 2 seminars
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The main goal of the course is to enable students to reflect on their pedagogical practice during their studies, on the basis of comparing their own pedagogical experience with professional literature to identify their own pedagogical style, their strengths and weaknesses, to reflect on their own pedagogical activities.
- deep systematic knowledge of pedagogical style, didactic content of social science and civic education at primary and secondary school and grammar school - pedagogical reflection and self-reflection skills
KFHS/P417 - Preparatory Seminar on Pedagogical Practice KFHS/P419 - Continuous Pedagogical Practice at Secondary School KFHS/P420 - Continuous Pedagogical Practice at High School
Assessment methods and criteria
80% participation in seminars. Colloquium. Guided interview on the pedagogical portfolio and on the portfolio from pedagogical practices.
Recommended literature
Rámcově vzdělávací program pro gymnáziální vzdělávaní. Praha, 2007.
Rámcově vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání. Praha, 2013.
Belz, H. - Siegrist, M. Klíčové kompetence a jejich rozvíjení. Praha, 2001.
CANGELOSI, J. S. Strategie řízení třídy. Praha: Portál, 1994.
Cangelosi, J. S. Strategie řízení třídy. Praha, 2006.
Fischer, R. Učíme děti myslset a učit se. Praha, 2011.
Havlínová, I. Didaktické náměty pro učitele OV a ZSV.
Havlínová, I. Didaktické náměty pro učitele OV a ZSV. Praha, 2014.
Kyriacu, CH. Klíčové dovednosti učitele. Praha, 1996.
Pasch, M. Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině. Praha, 1998.