Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to the course 2. General definition of populism 3. Populism as a communication strategy, manipulative and persuasive techniques and tools of populists 4. Is it possible to defend yourself? Communication strategy at defense. 5. Case Studies I - Is there a problem? - identify, analyze and address situations in which an individual may become the object of demagoguery, 6. Case Studies II - 7. Discussion - Types of discussion and possibilities of argumentation 8.- 9. Methods of critical thinking and populism - Fact analysis and drawing conclusions. 10.- 11. Methods of critical thinking and populism - Choices and decision-making. 12. -14. Presentation of student projects. Written analysis of a selected topic, search of professional literature and other information sources. Oral and PowerPoint presentation of a selected topic.
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course is based primarily on the analysis of populism, an interactive approach to the topics of individual lessons. It will enable students to explore and master effective intellectual tools of exposing demagoguery and populism in politics and defense against their pressure. It represents an opportunity for students to develop their critical approach to current problems (their identification, analysis, analysis of their existing solutions), the ability to work with adequate information sources (search for information sources, their use in written analysis and oral presentation).
- Ability to identify and analyze populism as a communication policy strategy - Ability to use appropriate intellectual tools of critical thinking in defense against populism - Ability to identify and analyze populism as a communication policy strategy - Ability to use appropriate intellectual tools of critical thinking in defense against populism
Assessment methods and criteria
Written analysis of a selected topic, search of professional literature and other information sources. Oral and PowerPoint presentation of a selected topic.
Recommended literature
Ari Rabin-Havt and Media Matters. Lies, Incoporated. The World of Post-Truth Politics. New York, 2016.
Jan-Werner Müller. Co je to populismus?. Praha, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7438-183-6.
Kubát, Mejstřík, Kocian. Populismus v časech krize. Praha, 2015.
Ralph Keyes. The Post-Truth Era. Dishonesty and Deception in Contemporary Life. New York, 2004.
Timothy Snyder. Tyranie. Praha, 2017.
Urbinati, N. Znetvořená demokracie: minění, pravda a lid. 2018.