1. How do we understand humanities and social sciences? Pre-definitions, list of sciences, their classification, summary of methods 2. Genesis of formation of humanities and social sciences, differentiation from natural sciences: Neo-Kantianism and Neo-Hegelianism (Windelband, Rickert, Dilthey) 3. The philosophy of existence, existentialism and their mutual political imprint (Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre) 4. Hermeneutics of humanities and social sciences - hermeneutics as methods or ontology, critical and transcendental social science (Habermas, Ricoeur, Apel) 5. Sociology of knowledge - (Scheler, Mannheim, Keller) 6. Phenomenology - sociology of everyday life, social construct of reality - (Schütz, Luckmann, Berger) 7. Critical rationalism - logic of scientific discovery, historicism, open society (Popper) 8. Marxist critics and critical theory (Marx, Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse) 9. Positivism, logical positivism, empirical positivism, Vienna Circle, non-existence of values of discovery (M. Weber) 10. Wittgenstein I, analytical philosophy, logical analysis of language 11. Philosophy of Ordinary Language (Wittgenstein II), Idea of social sciences (Winch) 12. Theory of speech acts, theory of communicative action - acting by speaking (Austin, Searle, Habermas) 13. Postmodern situation, post-structuralism, deconstruction (Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida) 14. Class discussion
Apel, K. O. Komunikativní společenství jako transcendentální předpoklad sociálních věd. Praha, Filosofický časopis 3/2003, 2003.
Berger, P., Luckmann, T. Sociální konstrukce reality. Brno, 1999.
Gadamer, G. H. Problém dějinného vědomí. Praha, 1997.
Habermas, J. Strukturální přeměna veřejnosti. Praha, 2000.