Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The reality of education and the philosophy of education - educational antinomies and the educator's dilemmas. 2. Education or upbringing - contemporary challenges. 3. "Learning to know", learning to act "," learning to live together with others "," learning to be" demands of society and the real situation of man. 4. Cultivation of humanity or formation of man - transformation by education and upbringing. 5. Possibilities and mistakes of education in the development of critical thinking. 6. Critical reading and writing I. 7. Critical reading and writing II. 8. Discussion as a tool for the development of critical thinking and problem solving. 9. Presentation of students, discussion.
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The main goal of the course is to lead students to understand the relationship between education and upbringing in today's society, to understand the importance of social science education, some educational dilemmas and antinomies. Students will try to think about selected topics of social science and civic education not only with the use of their cognitive potential, but especially with the use of their axiological dimension and emphasis on the development of critical thinking as a necessary intellectual tool for an active relationship to personal, social and political situation
- Knowledge of educational dilemmas and antinomies of contemporary education - Knowledge of the axiological dimension of topics of social science and civic education - Ability to think about the cognitive and axiological potential of educational and training topics in social science and civic education - Ability to think critically about the topics of contemporary education
Assessment methods and criteria
Preparation and elaboration of one of the approved topics 1st essay of at least 9 standard pages 2. oral and powerpoint presentation of the topic
Recommended literature
Bauman, Z. Úvahy o postmoderní době. Praha, 1995.
Brezinka, W. Filozofické základy výchovy. Praha, 1996.
Butterworth, J., Thwaites, G. Thinking skills. Critial thinking and problem solving. Cambridge, 2013.
Giddens, A. Důsledky modernity. Praha, 2010.
Liessmann, K. P. Hodina duchů. Praxe nevzdělanosti. Praha, 2015.
Liessmann, K. P. Teorie nevzdělanosti. omyly společnosti vědění. Praha, 2008.
Liessmann, K. P. Vzdělání jako provokace. Praha, 2018.
Lipman, M. Thinking in education. Cambridge, 2003.
Nussbaum, M. C. Cultivating Humanity.
Pelcová, N. Filosofická a pedagogická antropologie.
STROUHAL, M. Teorie výchovy: k vybraným problémům a perspektivám jedné pedagogické disciplíny.. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4212-0.
Zakaria, F. Obrana liberálního vzdělání. Praha, 2017.