1. Education as an ethical problem - introduction to the subject 2. Education as an encounter 3. Historical roots of education and questions connected with it - Socrates - concept of education and method, Plat - importance of education in the life of an individual and community, Aristotle´s perception of education 4. Education as an images of the period I: educational dilemas and antinomies of education 5. Education as an image of time II: John Dewey, Karl Jaspers, Hannah Arendt 6. Education as an image of time III: Education in global reality 7. Upringing or education? 8. Postmodernism and education 9. Education as a challenge in contemporary world 10. Upringng, education and the virtual world 11. Students´ presentations I 12. Students´ presentations II 13. Students´ presentations III 14. Final colloquium
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