Course: Academic writing

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Course title Academic writing
Course code KFHS/B345
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional, Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Charvátová Denisa, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. How to write a scientific text 2. Literature on the preparation of theses 3. Selection of thesis topic 4. Content of work 5. Aim of the work 6. Determination of hypothesis 7. Current state of solved problems 8. Methodology of creating the thesis 9. How to write a scientific text 10. Language of text processing 11. Submission of a thesis project 12. Evaluation of output 13. Discussion of projects

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
Students will be obtain knowledge about requirements for elaboration of bachelor and master theses from methodological, content and formal point of view. Based on the knowledge from the lecture and consultations with the lecturer, students elaborate the project of the thesis. The projects are evaluated by the lecturer. The project of the thesis demonstrate the student's ability to process the work.
The student will have the following knowledge and skills: - can formulate the goal of work - can process the content of work - will understand the methodology of work processing - is able to elaborate abstract of the thesis - can use professional terminology

Assessment methods and criteria
Independent work with scholarly texts and literature study will be required. It will be verified by the elaboration of the thesis project. The student completes the subject on the basis of the evaluation of the thesis project and granting the credit
Recommended literature
  • Čmejrková, Světla ? Daneš, František? Světlá, Jindra. Jak napsat odborný text, 1. vyd.. Praha, 1999.
  • Filka, Jaroslav. Metodika tvorby diplomové práce: praktická pomůcka pro studenty vysokých škol, 1. vyd.. Brno, 2002.
  • Spousta, Vladimír a kol. Vademecum autora odborné a vědecké práce se zaměřením na práce pedagogické, 1. vyd.. Brno, 2003.
  • Šimek, Dušan ? Kubátová, Helena. Od abstraktu do závěrečné práce. Jak psát (a možná i napsat) závěrečnou práci ve společenskovědních oborech, 3. uprav. vyd.. Olomouc, 2002.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester