Tippelt Hynek, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to issues I.: crisis and critique of democracy. 2. Introduction to issues II.: democratic deficit and "post-democracy". 3. Theory of direct democracy I.: philosophical starting points. 4. Theory of direct democracy II.: basic tools of direct democracy. 5. Theory of direct democracy III.: arguments for. 6. Practice of direct democracy I.: foreign experience with the use of elements of direct democracy. 7. Practice of direct democracy II.: history of institutes of direct democracy in the Czech territory. 8. The practice of direct democracy II.: the issue of digital democracy and electronic referendums. 9. Critique of direct democracy: arguments against. 10. Moderated colloquial discussion of the read literature. 11. Moderated colloquial discussion of seminar papers. 12. Final class.
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The course is devoted to the issue of direct democracy. It focuses on philosophical assumptions and basic tools of direct democracy. Attention is also paid to the use of institutes of direct democracy in various countries. It also focuses on the transformation of the use of instruments of direct democracy in connection with the expansion of electronic forms of communication.
The student is able to use professional terminology. The student will gain the ability to describe the philosophical basis of direct democracy. The student is aware of the advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy. The student understands the use of instruments of direct democracy in a comparative perspective. The student is aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using the tools of direct democracy in the so-called digital democracy.
Assessment methods and criteria
To successfully complete the course, it is required to prepare a seminar paper and complete the final colloquium.
Recommended literature
Polák, Jiří. Texty o přímé demorkacii.
TIPPELT, Hynek. Otevřená pevnost. K filosofickým aspetům přímé demokracie.
Valach, Milan. Svět na předělu. O politické a morální krizi kapitalismu.