1. Presentation of the seminar program, justification of the choice of topics, distribution of papers. Plato's Hermeneutics of Interpreting Divine Inspiration - Ión's Dialogue and its Interpretation by Schleiermacher, Heidegger, Greisch 2. Hermeneutics as a method: Schleiermacher: hermeneutics and criticism, technical, grammatical, psychological hermeneutics, method of getting used to the author - romantic hermeneutics, Dilthey: opposition of explanation and understanding, philosophy of humanities 3. Hermeneutic philosophy: Heidegger: early hermeneutics of facticity: philosophy of life, inspiration by Augustin, Luther, Kierkegaard and Husserl 4. Heidegger II: Hermeneutics of the meaning of being - Being and time, hermeneutics and phenomenology, interpretation, existentialist of existence, apophantic and hermeneutic logic, hermeneutic as, speech 5. Hermeneutic philosophy: Gadamer - hermeneutics and aesthetics, reading works of art, participation in various types of games 6. History and theory of hermeneutics (Gadamer) - reading and interpretation of passages of Truth and methods concerning historical consciousness, time lag, merging of horizons, advantages of question, patical character of knowledge, ontology of rhetoric 7. Hermeneutics of symbols presented by Ricoeur: Reading and interpretation of studies The dual concept of symbol, Symbol and myth - the study of the symbol in the field of mythical, religious, artistic and philosophical 8. Hermeneutics of texts, metaphors and narration (Ricoeur) - examination of texts and contexts, double eclipse of author and reader, hermeneutic arc, time and narration, mimesis I-III 9. Critical hermeneutics: Habermas -, hermeneutics and psychoanalysis, hermeneutics as a critique, critique of ideologies, systematically disrupted communication 10. Interpretive philosophy of governance: Habermas - Pragmatic and hermeneutic interpretation of Kant and Hegel and subsequent philosophical positions. 11. Transcendental hermeneutics and pragmatics of Appeal - real and ideal communicative community as a transcendental precondition of social sciences 12. Hermeneutics of fictional and fictional worlds in the works of Eca, Doležel - connection to structuralism and pragmatism; philosophy, life and literature 13. Hermeneutic (neo) pragmatism - contextualism (Rorty) without metaphysical justification, philosophy as literature, liberal irony
K. O. Apel. Komunikativní společenství jako transcendentální předpoklad sociálních věd. Praha, 2003.
M. Heidegger. Rozvrh fenomenologické interpretace Aristotela. Praha, 2008.
P. Ricoeur. Úkol hermeneutiky. Praha, 2004.
P. Ricoeur. Život, pravda, symbol. Praha, 1993.
Platón. Hippias Větší, Hippias Menší, Ión, Menexenos. Praha, 1996.
Rorty, Apel, Habermas. Za zrkadlom moderny. Bratislava, 1991.