Course: History of Administration I

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Course title History of Administration I
Course code KAPV/PBH53
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Fejtová Olga, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Definition of the history of administration, territorial development of the Czech state in the Middle Ages. 2. The position of the Czech state within the Empire (Holy Roman Empire). 3. The ruler, the court and court offices (until the end of the 13th century). 4. Provincial authorities (until the end of the 15th century) and the administration of the country in the late Middle Ages. 5. The development of the borders of the Habsburg monarchy and the Czech state, the beginnings of land-centralisation efforts in the 16th century. 6. Organs of state power in the pre-Bohemian period 7. Provincial administration 1627-1740, regional administration. 8. Municipal administration (until 1547) 9. Municipal administration (after 1547 until the reforms of the 18th century). 10. Ecclesiastical administration (1620-1848); rural self-government. 11. Patrimonial administration (until 1848). 12. Theresian reforms. 13. Josephine reforms and the form of administration 1790-1848. 14. Towards a modern state (results of administrative changes in the second half of the 18th century).

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The History of Administration introduces the audience to the organisation of public administration in the territory of Czech state in the time span from the Middle Ages until 1848. The interpretation of the institutions of public administration is combined with information on the preservation and storage of their written production as an iportant moment not only for the understanding of their organisation and actual functioning, but also for the methodical historical study in general. In the first part of the course, attention is paid to the earlies period (up to 1848), where the introduction of large-scale administrative changes in the mid-19th century is a precursor. Within the course, the interpretation does not only deal with the line of state political administration, even though it receives the most space and was of the highest importance in term of national development, but also with other particular legal areas that had their own administration, be it municipal, regional or ecclesiastical administration. The emphasis is not only on mastering the basic factual background, but also on presenting the trends, tendencies and historical-economic-social background of the outlined development.
The student is able to characterize the nature of the history of administration and its connection with other disciplines. The student knows in an overview form the basic features of the history of administration in the Czech lands until 1848. The student is able to characterise the territorial and territorial-administrative development of the Czech lands. The student is also able to give an overview of the development of political, ecclesiastical, municipal and patrimonial administration.

Assessment methods and criteria
The knowledge of the interpreted material acquired throughout the course will be verified in the form of a writtentest.
Recommended literature
  • Jan JANÁK, Zdeňka HLEDÍKOVÁ, Jan DOBEŠ. Dějiny správy v českých zemích od počátků státu po současnost. Praha, 2005.
  • Jiřina ŠTOURAČOVÁ. Vývoj správních institucí českého státu 1526-1848. Brno, 2014.
  • Karel Malý a kol. Dějiny českého a československého práva do roku 1945. Praha, 1997.
  • Marek Starý. Vývoj veřejné správy v českých zemích do roku 1848. Praha, 2007.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester