Velička Tomáš, doc. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The exposition will be structured according to the material units of the First Republic archiving: 1) Sudeten German archivists and archives in relation to Czechoslovakia 2) professional profiling 3) attempts to create archives with a central function 4) archives in a totalitarian state
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to expound the development of Czechoslovak First Republic archiving, and especially that which developed in the German border. These were primarily municipal archives. In the Czech archival historiography, this topic is unjustly almost completely neglected, although the Sudeten German environment could boast a relatively large number of well-provided city archives, but also its own professional organization, and even several important personalities with an international professional horizon. The second part of the course will then be devoted to its fate in the years 1938-1945 against the background of the development of archiving in the nazi Third Reich, in which archiving (as well as other memory institutions) played a signigicant role and was by no means a non-political entity. Attention will also be paid to the interventions of the German administration into the form of protectorate archiving (organization, separation/evacuation of archival materials).
Students will gain a basic overview of the development of Sudeten German archiving in Czechoslovakia. They will be familiar with the issues of local archiving of that time and at the same time they will master the source base, which can be used for this study
Assessment methods and criteria
To complete the course, it is necessary to manage an interview on one book from the studied literature.
Recommended literature
Stefan Lehr. Němečtí a čeští archiváři v první československé republice. Příspěvek k jejich vzájemným vztahům. In: AČ 64, 2014, s. 229?259.
Stefan Lehr. ?Podstatně zvýšit německý vliv?. Archiváři a archivy v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava (1939?1945). In: AČ 62, 2012, s. 229?247.
Tomáš Velička. Archivní vzdělávání v Československu 1918?1938: sudetoněmecké souvislosti, in: Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 61/2, 2021, s. 11-36..
Tomáš Velička. Sudetoněmecké archivnictví v meziválečném Československu (první krok na dlouhé cestě ke vzniku syntézy), in: Sborník archivních prací 71/2, 2021, s. 271-335.
Zdeněk Šamberger. Československé archivnictví po roce 1918. In: Zdeněk Šamberger, Studie k dějinám československého archivnictví, Praha 2005, s. 9?101. Praha, 2005.