Course: Didactics of German Language II

» List of faculties » FF » FF1
Course title Didactics of German Language II
Course code FF1/KDI2
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction German
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Lachout Martin, doc. PhDr. MBA, Ph.D.
Course content
1. - 2. Speech skill of listening comprehension. 3. Speech skill of reading comprehension. 4. - 5. Speech skill of spoken speech. 6. Speech skill of written speech. 7. Functions and roles of realia (cultural and historical backgrounds) in communicative intercultural teaching of German. 8. Functions and methods of pupil control, work with language portfolios, pupils' self-evaluation. 9. Problems of the state school-leaving ("matura") exam for VVP German language. 10. Pupil-oriented teaching of German, autonomous learning, specific requirements of pupils.

Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
Students will be acquainted with the basic methodological procedures of acquiring and developing basic speech skills. Emphasis is placed on the connection of lingvodidactic theory with teaching practice in the relevant type of schools, as well as on the development of skills in the preparation, implementation and subsequent evaluation (reflection) of the teaching unit.
Students - are familiar with basic didactic categories, - master basic lingvodidactic terminology, - can combine knowledge of general and subject didactics, - know valid curricular documents.
German Language Didactics 1 (prerequisite) Teaching German as a Foreign Language 1 (prerequisite) Teaching German as a Foreign Language 2 (co-requisite)

Assessment methods and criteria
Credit: Elaboration of seminar work. Examination: The form of the exam is oral. It is a discussion on a chosen topic, in which students demonstrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Didactics of German as a Foreign Language 1, Teaching German as a Foreign Language 1, Didactics of German as a Foreign Language 2 and Teaching German as a Foreign Language 2.
Recommended literature
  • Společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky. Olomouc, 2002.
  • Bausch, K.-R. Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. 4., vollst. neu bearb. Aufl. ed.. Tübingen, 2003.
  • Burwitz-Melzer, E.; Mehlhorn, G.; Riemer, C.; Bausch, K.-R.; Krumm, H.-J. Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. 6., völlig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Tübingen, 2016.
  • Janíková, V. Didaktik des Unterrichts Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Eine Einführung. Brno, 2015.
  • Janíková, V. Výuka cizích jazyků. Praha, 2011.
  • Zajícová, P. Didaktik der Fremdsprache Deutsch: Einführung in die Fachdidaktik des Deutschen als Fremdsprache.. Ostrava, 2002.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester