Havlínová Ivana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Listening in the OV lesson at elementary school 2. Evaluation of the listening session, analysis of the hospitalization protocol 3. Proposals for other possible didactic processing of the discussed material from the listening class 4. Listening in the SV class at the gymnasium 5. Evaluation of the listening session, analysis of the hospitalization protocol 6. Proposals for other possible didactic processing of the discussed material from the listening class
Learning activities and teaching methods
unspecified, unspecified, unspecified
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the work of a teacher of civics and social sciences at different types of schools and to prepare them for their own teaching practice based on the internship activity.
Students will gain knowledge about the educational content and activities within civic education and social sciences, the ability to host and reflect on hosted hours.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation in seminars, development of a hospitalization protocol and didactic processing of the given topic as preparation for the teaching unit at the specified type of school
Recommended literature
Belz, H. - Siegrist, M. Klíčové kompetence a jejich rozvíjení.
Fischer, R. Učíme děti myslet a učit se. Praha, 2011.
Havlínová, I. Didaktické náměty pro učitele OV a ZSV.
Švec, V. et. al. Praktikum didaktických dovedností. Brno, 1996.